Toe Infection Pictures I Have An Infection In Between My Toes, What Is It?

I have an infection in between my toes, what is it? - toe infection pictures

This is a picture of my toe --

Blister It's really very annoying and are difficult and some liquid in the skin is filled very dry and flaky. I do not know what this could be the case, somebody has an idea?


zitdr_02 said...

Thank you for the photo. It is entirely compatible with athlete's foot, but the location and the formation of vesicles, which really worries me is that what a "web mixed infection finger", where a form of fungal and bacterial infection at the same time. When this happens, you need both the fungus with an antifungal cream and good bacteria address with Garamycin cream. Good luck.

MKL said...

Athlete's foot - you should wash your feet regularly and applying a cream that can be purchased at any pharmacy. If the infection disappears performance are needed to avoid Ake sure to dry thoroughly between your toes after a shower and wear shoes that your feet can breathe

AKA Inverse Mushroom Cloud said...

In addition to the first poster said, if you want in a public gym, you may save some flop "flip" when you use the showers. Foot fungus and MRSA infections are very contagious and can be found in the fitness studio.

Phoebe said...

.. Athlete's foot, in other words ... Shape of the foot happens: /
There are some antifungal creams, wash and dry, however, to resolve your feet regularly and to

Mookie said...

Athlete's foot!

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