Boy 2nd Birthday Saying Is This One Good Its For The Boys This Time?

Is this one good its for the boys this time? - boy 2nd birthday saying

What happens when the wizard is a bad boy turned into a hare?

The rabbit is still there!

If you have already heard of the boy who wanted to escape to the circus?

He landed in a flea circus!

If you have already heard of the boy who saw a witch riding a broom?

He said: "What do you do that?"

She replied: "My sister has a vacuum cleaner"

1 Young: Do you have a party for her birthday?

2. Child: No, I'm doing a witch

Boy 1: What is a witch to do?

2. Child: She flies on a magic broom.

What is my son?

The boy next door told me that you look like?


Nothing is bigger than me!

How do you know who is harassed by a parrot?

He continues, "a pretty boy, then OOo?

Why should a sweater turtleneck Stupid Boy?

To hide the flea collar.

WhyChild, take an aspirin after hearing crying wolf?

Because he has a phantom pain.


Mikey T said...

lool jokes ...... =]

i♥TomFelton [DA/RA] AvadaKedavra said...


One child came, to play with his friend.
"Mom, girls have children?"
"No," said the mother.
He said that the foreign policy and
"Well, we can continue to play."

Vani S said...

lol .... funny

PATRIOTS said...

WOW time, the jokes of the day !!!!!!

PATRIOTS said...

WOW time, the jokes of the day !!!!!!

Boudicca said...


Mayor Adam West said...

You are so lame

Canadian... said...

very funny ..... ..... cute
excellent work ... awesome .......... ...... Maintaining a good joke

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